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ZINSSER - BULLS EYE 1-2-3 STAIN KILLER/PRIMER-- interior exterior
A fast-drying (30 minutes to touch )(1 hourto recoat )( full aadhesion and hardness develops in 7 days -- white pigmented acrylic latex (water-thinnable)
undercoater. Formulated for use on all types of exterior and interior surfaces - previously painted or new work without sanding. May be used on moderately chalked aluminum of previously painted siding and trim Has
Cleans up easily in soap and water. Any oil or latex finish paint can be applied over it. May be tinted with many ''universal'' tinting colours.
Primes and Adheres to all interior and exterior
surfaces, even glossy and chalky ones. Prevents flash rusting. Seals -fills and seals porous surfaces. Effectively blocks stains like crayon
- grease and handprints
For cedar / redwood bleed allow 24 hours dry time before applying topcoat
may require 2 coats ,-- Provide excellant rust, smoke damage, graffiti - from bleeding into
finish paint. Ideal exterior primer - ''breathes'' and flexes to prevent paint from blistering and peeling.
RONA #1776033